Call of PaperRegistrationProgramVenuesContact us
Location: Tirana, Albania
December 4th, 2023 – December 5th, 2023
The purpose of the Conference is to create a forum for debating topics of great interest to society, thus, trying to expand the network of interested stakeholders and extend the ground for best practice exchanges from different institutions and various domains. The Conference aims to bring together already involved key actors as well as engaged participants, representatives of academic, economic and social partners to discuss and exchange their experiences and research results on different aspects of Social and Humanistic Sciences. Based on the multi-field methodology-encompassing, inter-disciplinary character of the Conference, we strongly encourage potential participants and stakeholders with background and research interests in the fields of Sociology and Social Work, Criminologist Sciences and Sociology of deviance, European Studies, International Relations and Security Studies, Political Sciences, Physical Activity, Health and Recreation, Motion Science, Rehabilitation Science, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, Pedagogy and Humanities to apply. Therefore, international participation is mostly welcomed and appreciated – researchers, PhD candidates and professionals are gladly invited to submit articles that focus on the topics presented.